Corporate Travel Management COO Andre Moten Guest Lectures with AIB

Last modified 18 July 2024
The AIB Network
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Corporate Travel Management COO Andre Moten Guest Lectures with AIB

From AIB’s Industry Partner Corporate Travel Management, we’re excited to introduce a new addition to our team of Industry Guest Lecturers – Andre Moten. Andre is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Corporate Travel Management Australia and New Zealand, and has been with the company since 2001. Andre will be sharing his practical business insights and expertise in our Operations Management and B2B Marketing curriculums, helping to further integrate our MBA degree with industry.

Andre was the first sales manager appointed by Corporate Travel Management with national responsibilities in 2001. From there, he progressed to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing in 2003 before becoming the General Manager of Corporate Travel Management’s Queensland operations in 2010.  

He was appointed General Manager for Australia and New Zealand in 2014 and latterly the COO role which he currently holds. In this role, he is ultimately responsible for the operations, account management and sales of Corporate Travel Management’s locations in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.

Andre’s career began in the legal field, before transitioning into government. He was the Director of the Queensland State Government’s Olympic 2000 Task Force, where his brief was to deliver economic benefits for Queensland from the Sydney Olympic Games. Next, moving back to the private sector, he worked for Ansett as Group Sales Manager. After Ansett went out of business, Andre moved to Corporate Travel Management where he has remained ever since.

“Corporate Travel Management then was a very much smaller organisation,” Andre explained. “We’re probably talking somewhere in the order of 14 or 16 staff, a turnover of about $18 million and an office in Brisbane with an implant operation on the Gold Coast. So, we’ve certainly seen a growth trajectory since those early days.”

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Reflecting on his early days with the company, Andre shared, “Within a few years and with some track record behind me, I assumed the role of a sales manager by bringing in other sales professionals and setting a sales process for the organisation. Then, I was able to instigate an account management function within Corporate Travel Management.”

In due course, he took equity within Corporate Travel Management and became one of its founding shareholders. He sat on the board for about six years until the organisation floated on the ASX. Andre then stepped away from the board and became a general manager.

During this time, Andre was also studying an MBA. Shortly after gaining the qualification in 2016, he was promoted to Chief Operating Officer. After 16 years in the company, Andre is still as enthusiastic as he was at the beginning:

“To come across a visionary like Corporate Travel Management’s founder Jamie Pherous, or Laura Ruffles, isn’t something that happens in every career. Employees like myself are enablers to that vision, and to be allowed the autonomy to do that and to have the wherewithal to make changes within an organisation, is incredibly fulfilling. I guess that’s what dictates why someone like myself remains in one organisation for 16 years.”

Given Corporate Travel Management’s success over time – it floated on the ASX in 2010 for $1 a share and now sits at just over $25 a share – it’s reasonable to say that Andre’s recipe for business success is working.

*The Australian Institute of Business (AIB) is Australia’s largest provider of MBAs. Source Ready, B. (2023) Domestic Enrolments Surged During COVID After International Students Locked Out, MBA News. Available at: MBA News.

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