5 benefits of studying a business degree online

Last modified 18 October 2024
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
5 benefits of studying a business degree online

When weighing up your study options, one of the major factors in the decision process will be the mode of delivery of your chosen program. There was once a time where business school meant months with little or no income, but thankfully those days are now scarce. For those who are able to cease working for a couple of years, on-campus study may be the preferred option. However, for the majority, distance learning is preferred as it permits you to study while continuing to earn an income and balance other personal commitments. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of studying your business degree via distance learning, see the below five points.

1. New skills are developed throughout the experience

For those who haven’t studied via distance learning or online before, you are likely to find that your skills will be tested throughout the journey, often in ways you may not anticipate. As a learning method, distance learning requires students to be extremely organised as they self-manage their priorities in order to meet deadlines. As such, attributes such as time management, perseverance and attention to detail will be fine-tuned. This is a positive for students as they not only graduate with technical business knowledge – they also build their skills and traits in these core areas relevant to any role.

2. You can study around personal commitments

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to balance personal and professional commitments is becoming integral to success. Traditionally, returning to study was a luxury for those who could afford to give up work throughout the process. Fortunately, studying a business degree via distance learning accommodates for personal commitments and also permits students to continue earning an income. For the majority, this level of flexibility is a deciding factor as study can be scheduled around work, family life and social functions. Distance learning also permits students to study anywhere in the world, at a time that is convenient to them.

3. Distance learning is an affordable choice

When students study a business degree via distance learning, this allows the business school to reduce tuition fees, as fewer resources are required. For example, the costs involved with the operation of a physical campus are high, therefore the savings can be passed on to the student when a campus is not required. In addition, the student does not have to travel to and from a campus multiple times per week, reducing transportation costs. In addition, the flexibility in continuing to earn an income assists greatly. Not only can students continue working full time, they also enjoy reduced fees and no commuting expenses.

4. It’s a learning method to suit your study needs

Every student learns in a different way – some are more suited to reading hard copy materials, while others prefer working from a screen. The benefit of distance learning is the choice it provides you – learning from your own home does not just refer to 100% online education. For example, at AIB students can elect to receive all resources in a printed format if that is the mode in which they prefer to work. Similarly, this can all be completed online to cater for those who travel frequently, or like to work from a screen. When studying your business degree via distance learning, the way your experience is tailored is entirely up to you.

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5. It provides unique networking opportunities

While some may argue that distance learning results in fewer opportunities for networking, this is not always the case. Distance learning providers such as AIB actually facilitate additional opportunities for students to interact with fellow professionals and expand their networks, often through the web. This element of virtual networking means that there are fewer boundaries, and students can build contacts across diverse industries and roles, both locally and internationally. Aside from connecting online, AIB distance learning students are also invited to AIB Alumni events, which encourage networking and are held regularly. The networking opportunities are diverse when studying a business degree via distance learning, and students continue to enjoy the range of options.

What do you think?

Have you considered studying via distance learning? I’m interested in hearing why you’re drawn to the methods and which benefits you feel are applicable to your life. Comment below and share your views.

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The following sources have been used to prepare this article: The Telegraph and CompareMBA

Australian Institute of Business (AIB)
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*see 20 Biggest Online MBA Providers, MBA News (July 2024)

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